Monday, March 28


In silence I bore
Your harsh words
As they ripped, shred and tore
Through carefully cultivated
Layers of self-confidence.

In silence I looked on
As you rocked our little boat
As you would rock a cradle
Casually, yet with infinite care
You pushed each and every one of my buttons

My thoughts made little bubbles over my head
Their reflections on the floor
Caused you to see my anguish
And even though the muscles on my face
Never moved. I did. I left.

I wonder if there is an after-life for dead relationships
For disbelieving dead eyes pierced by sharp shards of broken dreams
A waiting room for broken hearts
To wait patiently for the impossible re-union
Of separate lives and destinies


Anonymous Anonymous said... this poem. Keep up the good work. xxx

1:49 am  

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