Saturday, May 7

The stray that came to stay

Was that one stormy night in December…
So long ago, I remember
That I laid my wet nose (with its sorrows and freckles)
..on your knee
And you let it be..

Inseparable we...

your friends became my friends
your enemies, my foes
You sighed for my sighs
and wept for my woes (..while I was bright-eyed morose)
And so it came to be..

Indestructible we...

to this day we stand..(, a little behind you)
Connected by some shiny invisible band
I was that stray..
..and you..(.. my darling, darling you..)
You let me stay..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

where are da rest u freak??
:)) u no hoo??

3:05 am  
Blogger rushes said...

these here are post as and when i want to. if you have something to add...GETCEROWNBLOG!!!!!!

3:09 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice poem rush. You never fail to suprise me with each line you write!


10:37 pm  

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