Saturday, May 7

The stray that came to stay

Was that one stormy night in December…
So long ago, I remember
That I laid my wet nose (with its sorrows and freckles)
..on your knee
And you let it be..

Inseparable we...

your friends became my friends
your enemies, my foes
You sighed for my sighs
and wept for my woes (..while I was bright-eyed morose)
And so it came to be..

Indestructible we...

to this day we stand..(, a little behind you)
Connected by some shiny invisible band
I was that stray..
..and you..(.. my darling, darling you..)
You let me stay..

Friday, May 6

To my muse

Poetry and prose
Seem morose
Pentameter and rhyme,
Old-fashioned...out of time,
Just when I think that none can inspire,
More than weak and insipid desire..

..suddenly I see your face..
and time and space,
Indeed, grammar and grace
..just slip into place!

Thursday, May 5


mine is a willowy life...
and I grow ill..
and weary still
…of nonsense strife

for meandering in endless debate...
I wander here..
and flitter there an alarming rate.

oh will me to be blind
so I would not see..
how it would be change my mind.

Monday, May 2

With Apologies to Yeats

Hands, do as you’re ask’d…
Bring the wandering spirit..
that circles the soaring skies,

Back to its present task.

Sunday, May 1

I keep a picture of you in my top rack,
And every night I talk to you..
And put it back.

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